current news & Events

In-Person for SunDay Worship

You can watch our hybrid worship service live on our webpage at At Desert Palm, we aim to provide an extravagant welcome to all by ensuring that our worship service and campus are accessible. We offer Large print bulletins, Assistive hearing devices, an ADA-compliant restroom, and Accessible parking spaces.

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Welcome Center and East Valley Network

The “Product of the Month” for September and October is BODY LOTION. Bring them to church and put them in the bin or on the table.

Celebration of Life for Sue Truax

Tuesday September 17th (10 AM)
Reception will follow in Mission Hall.

Garden Party

Saturday, September 21 (3-6PM)
Garden Party
(assembling the final raised bed together and blessing our new community garden; publicize and invite wider community)

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A2A celebration

Sunday, Sept. 22nd, 10 AM
As many of you know we recently earned the designation of being an A2A  'Accessible to All' congregation. We are the first church in the SW Conference to earn the A2A designation. So this calls for a celebration!

Queer Anthems & How To Write Your Own Lyrics

Monday, September 23rd, 5 PM

Queer Anthems & How to write your own lyrics and music or painting with water colors for self expression. 5:00pm 1n10 Downtown Youth Center Facilitated by - Rev. Dr. Barb Doer-Peacock – Retired Marc Gaston – Minister of Music & The Arts (Desert Palm UCC, Tempe) Experience lyric writing through poetry and setting to music or Self expression through painting with water colors. 

Arizona Interfaith Movement

Thursday, September 26th at 6PM.

t’s not too late to sign up for the Arizona Interfaith Movement event I’ve helped organize. It’s going to be in Phoenix (4224 N 44th St.) on Thursday, September 26th at 6PM. The activity is a “Talking Circle,” in which each participant will have an opportunity to share a thought or anecdote about overcoming differences (welcoming the stranger, etc.). You can RSVP on the AZ Interfaith Movement website.


Departure time 7:30 am, Saturday, September 28. It’s a 3-hour drive from Phoenix to Williams. A 3-mile driving tour is available and a walking tour.  There’s also a restaurant we can eat at. Tickets: $35 for adults, child 4-12 is $25. Bearizona is located at the intersection of I-40 and US Hwy 64 (Historic Route 66) in Williams, AZ.  More details to come. Email Marybeth at or Sonja at if you plan on attending any of these events or have questions.

Women’s Book Study

9:30-11:00 This group will meet ever first and third Thursday of the month. We'll be discussing the introduction and first chapter of Aging as a Spiritual Practice, by Lewis Richmond.

Join Repeating Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 713 830 0112

Passcode: DPUCC

October Concert

October 3rd, 7 PM

Pete Pancrazi, Todd Johnson and Claudia Bloom will be playing a concert Thursday, Oct 3 at 7 pm at DP. Pete’s show includes jazz standards, arrangements of Beatles tunes and other hits from the 70’s and 80’s done in a jazz style.

Neighbors in Need Special Offering

Will be collected on Sunday, October 6th , 2024.
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM).
Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to UCC churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose
work ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to address systemic injustice.
In 2024, the Neighbors in Need theme is “Mental Health Justice for All!” This year’s focus is on Mental Health Justice. In 2015, the General Synod of the UCC passed a resolution to become WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive and Engaged) for mental health. It is our desire at Desert Palm to have a world where human rights
and the well-being of people with mental health issues are respected.

Neighbors in Need helps make a ‘Just World for All’ possible. For this to occur we need your support. You can contribute in two ways:

1) You can write a check payable to Desert Palm UCC and make a note on the memo line for NIN.
2) Or you can use the ‘Give’ feature on our DPCC website. There will be a ‘Donation’ option and a drop-down box where you can select “Neighbors in Need” (NIN).

Please send in your contributions by October 13th , so we can send our check to the conference in a timely fashion.

Thank you.
Neighbors in Need needs our support. Please give generously.

Loose plate offering on October 13, 2024

On October 13, the church will conduct a loose plate offering to support UCC Disability Ministries. Your contributions to this important cause are greatly appreciated.

Book Group

Thursdays 7:00 pm
Oct 17 - Nov 14
(5 weeks)
Join Pastor Tom, Rev. Doug Bland (of Arizona Interfaith Power & Light) and Rev. Susan Valiquette, First Church UCC (Phoenix) as they together lead a book group on Brian McLaren's new book, 
Life after Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart 

Programing for LGBTQ+ Youth and Allies

Thursday, October 17th – Music & Activism, 5:00pm 1n10 Downtown Youth Center (The Zone HIV/AIDS Education & Prevention) Facilitated by - Antonio Lozano – Artistic Director of the Phoenix Gay Men’s Chorus & Director of Music at Tempe High School. Marc Gaston – Minister of Music & The Arts (Desert Palm UCC, Tempe) Experience how music can me used to educate, unite and inspire to create social change. Emphasis will be on HIV/AIDS Education & Prevention) 

Monday, November 18th – Music & Mental Health, 5:00pm 1n10 Downtown Youth Center Facilitated by - Garry Pregler – Grand Canyon Performing Arts – Board Member director of Mental Health Awareness. TBD – Mental Health professional. Marc Gaston – Minister of Music & The Arts (Desert Palm UCC, Tempe) Experience will be the impact music has on Mental Health. To include music meditation techniques. 


This month, when at the grocery store, how about purchasing

  • full bottles of SHAMPOO and CONDITIONER (cheaper brands are ok) or
  • HEALTHY SNACKS (for example, granola bars, applesauce in squeeze containers, etc.)

Of course, there is always a need for clothes, hygiene products, and stuffed animals.
Bring them to church and put them in the bin or on the table.

True colors

Attention all coloring book enthusiasts! Whether you're a child, teenager, adult, or adult at heart, we need your help. Our home-bound members are running low on colored pages, and we would be grateful for any contributions. If you would like to donate supplies or drop off pages, please contact Pat Quinnett at (480)818-2203. The recipients have expressed immense joy upon receiving our little works of art and have even requested that the creators sign their name on the back with "Colored by (your name)." Please take the time to share and spread the love of coloring!

15 years of

making a difference

This I-HELP program is celebrating 15 years of providing comprehensive emergency shelter in partnership with an array of faith organizations that provide nighttime facility access.

The I-HELP model serves as a cost-effective and scalable solution for ending homelessness. As the homeless population continues to rise, in turn, the volume of affected people unable to access services is also rising. 

The I-HELP shelter program provides a safe place to sleep and a spectrum of services to prepare men and women for employment, financial stability, and permanent housing. 

Today, you can sponsor one night of shelter and additional services for a man or woman in need for $35 and help us celebrate 15 years of making a difference. 

Click here to learn more. 

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At DPUCC, hospitality is a vital aspect of our ministry. We believe that coming together for COFFEE HOUR and engaging in conversations after Sunday worship is an excellent way to strengthen our church relationships.


Desert Palm Caregivers offer assistance to members of the Church, their immediate families, and those who actively participate in the Desert Palm UCC community. There are no financial requirements to receive these services, and they are provided free of charge. However, donations to Desert Palm UCC are appreciated. Please note that these services are dependent on the availability of volunteers.
TRANSPORTATION:  take someone to and from medical and/or social service appointments within 15 miles of the person’s residence. No transportation for work, social activities, or shopping.
TEMPORARY EMERGENCY MEALS:  provide dinners for up to 3 days in case of an emergency.
RESOURCES:  information regarding additional services available in the community if our volunteers cannot provide assistance.
If you can provide occasional transportation and/or Meals, please contact one of the coordinators:
Marion Durham (                     
John Linda (
Jim Ewing (    
Leslie Schefski (
Barbara Hofflander (
Ethel Utter (


Did you know that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration manages approximately 200 call centers across the country? These centers are designed to provide support for those experiencing mental health crises or struggling with thoughts of suicide. It's great news that there's now a new phone number to access mental health emergency services - simply dial 988.

Sunday worship

You can watch our hybrid worship service live on our webpage at If you missed a service and want to go back and watch the video, go to our youtube page and select "live." And please note we aim to provide an extravagant welcome to all by ensuring that our worship service and campus are accessible. We offer Large print bulletins, assistive hearing devices, an ADA-compliant restroom, and accessible parking spaces and a Braille bible.